MovieChat Forums > Thriller (1960) Discussion > Help ID this episode or tv film 1970s

Help ID this episode or tv film 1970s

Hi all,

I've been trying to ID the following film/episode I saw during the mid to late 1970s on TV, it featured an American football player who loses his arm in an auto accident, he receives a replacement from a recently executed psycho killer, but the arm/hand takes on the killer's past ways, which results in the innocent guy attempting to strangle his girlfriend/wife while he sleeps on the sofa.

Any help finding this, would be appreciated.


Never seen it myself but this might be an episode of "Quinn Martine's Tales Of The Unexpected" (1977) about a baseball player who receives the hand or arm of a killer. It's listed on the IMBb.


You absolute star! that is the show/episode I am after. Many thanks for identifying it.
