Hungry Glass

Oh, about 30 years ago, I was baby sitting for the first time. I brought over all kinds of activities for the little ones and put them to bed at their bed time. Then I turned on the TV to wait for the parents to come home. There was a show on with Captain Kirk and the Professor, so I watched it. Scared the poop out of me!
Just started thinking of that creepy show again, after all these years. :) Must have been that nightmare I had last night!


I was in the 3rd grade at the time and my parents generously let me stay up late to watch this Thriller episode-The Hungry Glass, wow that was about 40 years ago and it's still unforgettable in my mind! Is it possible to order this Thriller episode without buying the entire collection? Hard to believe that Donna Douglas ( Elly Mae Clamplett ) played the ghoulish girl in the mirror.


This is so weird, but I just got done watching the episode on DVD. How creepy is that? I'm a huge William Shatner fan, and also Russell Johnson!! How handsome they were in that episode!




It is one of the best!! A Wig For Ms. Devoe is good as well.



Donna Douglas plays the young woman and the beautiful reflection still seen in the mirror when she gets old-the older woman is played by a different much older actress(er..does that make sense?)


I'm just grateful to have finally found that I didn't dream this story. I've been trying for years to find someone familiar with it. It was the first scary show I remember seeing at about 5-7 years old, but I thought it was a movie. I would love to see this on DVD. Where can I find it?


There are "bootleg" full sets of the series which I have seen on ebay for around $70.There were some of the shows put out on official video versions a few years ago,and copies turn up on ebay and Amazon-but I don't think this particular episode was one of them unfortunately.
I am busy with the massive task of converting my video tapes to dvd just now-I can send you a dvd ram of "THE HUNGRY GLASS" if you'd like-it's a good copy taped from tv 20 odd years ago-it's an excellent spooky episode,one of the best shows in the series.
Send me your address and I will post it out(I am in the UK).


how do I buy this item?


To "theproffromdover"-Just send me your address-is it Dover in the UK?


As a child I apparently walked in my sleep over the intensity of the Hungry Glass. After watching I had nightmares and apparently couldn't rest my mind. So powerfully scary at the time. Definitely the most atmospheric and well done of the series . The Cheaters was also a very good episode and these 2 episodes ran back to back originally


It was on last week on Me-Tv It looked like something that would inspire
Dan Curtis or Roger Corman because that house on the cliff .

You see Donna Douglas reflection and your thinking everything is fine
till She answers the door .


I searched for this for years. First saw it when I was 7 and, of course, right next to my bed was a closet with full length mirror on it (unmovable). Couldn't sleep for weeks. Once I realized it must have been a "Thriller" I found it right away.


I just saw it ona bootlegged copy and it was excellent. Very scary episode.


This is a very vivid episode for me too.
I stayed up late one night when I was ten years old and watched it -- I could not fall asleep it creeped me so badly!
It's been a long time and I'd love to see it again. :)


I saw the episode when I was about 5. It was so scary that I can still remember the man breaking the mirror and I think the ghost floated across the room towards a window. I've only seen the episode twice. My scalp tingles just thinking about it.


Okay, let's see, if it was first broadcast in 1960 then I must have been about 7 years old. I don't think I went near a mirror for a month afterwards. It was way too intense for a child.

I think I might have watched it once or twice in reruns in the 70's. It still makes me shiver. My daughter, now aged 12, loves the goosebumps book series and really liked the movie "Poltergeist" when I showed it to her. I'm not sure if she's ready for this one yet. Still, I'll buy the DVD set of the series and show it to her when she's maybe 13 or 14.


I am putting my post from the episode here, to assist those who want to see this really great piece of television history...

I first saw this episode the night it first ran and, like so many other contributors, I never forgot it. I was 13 years of age and it would be 47 years before I would see it again...and that was only after I had tracked down an old 16mm television print of it on e-Bay. I was almost afraid to watch it for fear that it would not live up to my recollections, but my fears were baseless. This is story telling of the old school, and builds the suspense and chills to a wild and horrifying conclusion. I look forward to springing it on my relatives this coming Halloween. Now, for those who would like to see it and are frustrated at the lack of DVD material available, I just found it available on line at videoDOTgoogleDOTcom, etc. I guess can't put the URL here, but a little "Googleing" should find it for you. It is worth every minute of download time. Hope you enjoy it as much as I. Now, I will try to add the URL, just in case it works...

