MovieChat Forums > The Andy Griffith Show (1960) Discussion > Favorite Episode from Each Season

Favorite Episode from Each Season

What's everybody's favorite episode from each season? I know it's hard to choose just one :)

Season 1: Andy Saves Barney's Morale
Season 2: Barney and the Choir
Season 3: Barney and the Governor
Season 4: The Rumor
Season 5: The Lucky Letter
Season 6: Eat Your Heart Out
Season 7: Dinner at Eight
Season 8: Andy's Trip to Raleigh


Season 3: Barney and the Governor

I wholeheartedly agree and I'll tell ya why, Megan. It's off the kilter, but, Ron Howard's father (Rance) plays the Governor's Chauffeur/driver and he's perfect for and in this part. Looks pisser in that chauffeur's uniform. He's young enough to play the part and not too old to play it. And he's aloof in the role. Plays it perfect. He ain't there just because he's the father of the co-star. He's there to play a key part and nails it all over the board.

I love to watch that episode just to isolate Rance Howard. He's astounding there.


Wow! I had no idea that was Ron Howard's father.


I'm glad you found out, because he contributes mightily to the episode's success, Megan. He settles the episode down from Barney's over action. There is no close close up of his character. But, watch him as he influences Fife. Almost a threat if you will.

He adds class which enables (The Governor) to be that much more established, blossoming the entire episode.
