1-11 The Christmas Story
In this episode it's Christmas time.
The Taylor's are ready for a party. Barney can't come because he has to watch the prisoners.
Andy decides the prisoners are like students and they are like teachers and the jail
is like a school so school is out during the holiday. He let's them all go.
Ben Weaver enters the picture. He has busted a man who is making moonshine.
This cuts into his profits so he insists that he be locked up.
Enter Andy who decides to lock up the mans whole family because they all knew about
his illegal activities.
This doesn't sit to well with ol' Ben.
They movie Christmas to the jail.
As the episode plays out we find out Ben just isn't an old grouch he's just lonely.
He tries everything he can think of to get arrested. They find it in their heart to forgive him.
At the end Andy figures it out and finally arrests Ben so he can enjoy Christmas.
Not a whole lot of comedy in this episode. More of a feel good episode.
This is the first episode where we see Ben Weaver.
The man who was arrested and his family I believe shows up in a later episode with Ben Weaver.
Not one of my favorite episodes but still good.