so the review i read on here on the main page in summary says its going to seem boring or average now but to appreciate it we must understand/learn the history and new wave and film theory and what was goin on at the time blah blah.............people dont understand that a classic doesnt need an intro or a lesson new people with half a brain can watch it and appreciate it cause its timeless...if one has to know the time of a film to understand it then it isnt timeless...should be a simple a lot of films in the top 250 get a lot of doodoo as most probably should but just as new films get insanely high rating knocking better deserved films out of contention...these old "classics" do the same...older people with nostalgia bump these films up and there are a lot of young(ish) snobs who like the idea of liking certain film more than the actual films themselves........seems like 1/5 of the top 250 are new films with fanboys severely bumpin the rating up on decent films and another half of the 250 are dated films that were groundbreaking in their day but now are on par with what we would now consider mediocre
his girl friday is a classic....i need no history lessons or desire to be cool and different to like it.....its amazing today.......but films like these and casablanca that if theyre were made today would be bashed as horrible or barely average at best get way more credit then they deserve.........just cause someone does it first doesnt mean they did it the best we can honor them as pioneers but to to honor them as superior films is an injustice to more current films working off pure merit instead of nostalgia or history.....and if something is a masterpiece it isnt easily duplicated and therefore will retain its awe inducing power decades will never ever be considered full of cliches it will always come off original no matter how many films borrow from it or imitate it....thats a true classic........everything else is just a film/history lesson or artistic time travel
so the review i read on here on the main page in summary says its going to seem boring or average now but to appreciate it we must understand/learn the history and new wave and film theory and what was goin on at the time blah blah............people dont understand that a classic doesnt need an intro or a lesson new people with half a brain can watch it and appreciate it cause its timeless
I don't agree with needing historical context to appreciate a movie.
That said, I also do not agree that a film is a classic because "people with half a brain" can watch them. That would disqualify many classics of world cinema. Some classics appeal to general audiences, some don't.
these old "classics" do the same...older people with nostalgia bump these films up and there are a lot of young(ish) snobs who like the idea of liking certain film more than the actual films themselves........seems like 1/5 of the top 250 are new films with fanboys severely bumpin the rating up on decent films and another half of the 250 are dated films that were groundbreaking in their day but now are on par with what we would now consider mediocre
How arrogant do you have to be to proclaim they are on the top 250 out of nostalgia and snobbery? As if it isn't possible they see something you don't. Like it isn't possible these films appeal to film buffs who legitimately love them.
Taxi Driver, Godfather I and II, Le Samurai, Once Upon a Time in the West, The Good, The Bad and the Ugly, Seven Samurai, Battle of Algiers, Apocalypse Now, etc.-These are legitimate masterpieces of cinema, in no way, shape or form "out dated".
his girl friday is a classic....i need no history lessons or desire to be cool and different to like it.....its amazing today
and yet by saying that, you are displaying a desire to be "cool and different".
.but films like these and casablanca that if theyre were made today would be bashed as horrible or barely average at best get way more credit then they deserv
Are you kidding me? Even modern casual viewers like Casablanca. You're out of your head if you think that would be hated today.
As for "Breathless", no, casual viewers today probably wouldn't care for it, but then they wouldn't care for "Andrei Rubev". These films appeal much more to film buffs. That doesn't make them bad movies.
but to to honor them as superior films is an injustice to more current films working off pure merit instead of nostalgia or history
If you honestly think that, you are a level of ignorant words cannot express.
New films can easily be biased by hype like you are claiming many classics are. However even popular films I don't like, I acknowledge people genuinely like them, same with classics. I'm not a huge fan of "Blow Up", but I don't dismiss people who like it as just showing off or "for nostalgia". People who love that film legitimately love it and get something out of it I don't.
"It's just you and me now, sport"-Manhunter reply share
its 4am and im too lazy to quote certain portions so il go point by point...sorry if its lengthy but you hit a few pet peeves
point 1: i agree that could of been worded better but then again it wouldnt be a rant lol yes some films wont appeal to those with just half a brain yet deserve their just due
point 2: I hate when people suggest that by passionately expressing an opinion with conviction means you're arrogant smh...if thats the case no opinion is valid shouldn't be argued and should be kept to ourselves all because others have a right to have a different opinion smh and what a dull and less advanced world we would live in as a result........also throughout my post i proved how not arrogant i was by mentioning certain classics that i both like and am merely mildly a fan of but can understand the go further i cant stand taxi driver and think its overrated...but i can see how others like it same can be said for apocalypse now and the g,b,and u as war movies and westerns aren't my cup of dick however due to my lack of arrogance i am not attacking their right to be called a classic.....however just cause a film appeals to film buffs who love them doesn't mean they should be hit with the classic tag....i think this word is like the word love...i wish people respected the word more and didnt use it just cause they reallyyyyyy liked something lol...just like love i believe a lot more depth and scrutiny and double blind like testing should take place before it is rightfully used lol.......if youre open minded, you would agree that if half of these classics were shot by the same director and film crew shot for shot and magically(in some cases) with the same actors in color and up to date film equipment...and shown to both the average film goer and those with more advanced taste....that they would be ridiculously similar to the same films being made today that we bash or at best find mediocre and majority of the people would be anywhere from ignorant to the idea or hesitant of the idea of calling them classics
point 3: this is where i lose some respect for your argument and you...although i believe you are wrong you made at least some valid points made me even retract or at the very least agree with your rebuttal to an aspect of mines.......but here you are just being childish...your point here just sounded good but had no basis and was corny
point 4: what im saying is some of these classics im calling out if made today wouldn't be those unique gems that are more for the few than the many but the films that are universally accessible yet universally mediocre.........when casablanca is presented to those as a classic and when are conditioned to be apprehensive in being critical of art made long ago...yes my point exactly a lot of people will "like it"... but just like shakespeare is shoved down our throats and the mona lisa...films are too......not to digress but the mona lia is an ugly painting but is worth millions and highly regarded and the most known piece of artwork yet there are people today whos painting skills are so good they literally look like photographs clearly surpassing the skill of those in the past yet all they get are a few likes on facebook....this is an example how skill and merit arent the basis of what a classic is and i think thats wrong and why i chose to argue against it on the more specific subject of film
point 5: someone missed the part (even though you quoted it) where i addressed the fact that "...seems like 1/5 of the top 250 are new films with fanboys severely bumpin the rating up on decent films and another half of the 250 are dated films that were groundbreaking in their day but now are on par with what we would now consider mediocre" i agree yes new films can get hype too...but the majority of the 250 is made up of old films some deserving but a lot not so much...also not to beat a dead horse cause i touched on this but opinions are good things...there would be no philosophy without it among many more things.....this idea where you overly feel the need to respect others opinions to the point of not being able to be critical of it can be dangerous and the antithesis to the root of progress is rebellion and/or challenge to the status quo usually in regards to common thought....and before progress takes form in action is must 1st present itself as a theory or thought or does need to be able to appreciate something that doesnt affect him positively or at all....but must also retain the ability to be critical of can respect an opinion and still be critical of it...sometimes once you criticize something it no longer deserves respect...may seem harsh but if the new age doctors respected older doctors opinion that germs are a crazy idea we would still have doctors with fecal covered fingers operating on being critical of someones thought you not only challenge theres but your own...and sometimes the result is realizing your thought has merit and theres doesnt...and sometimes this can lead to great advances like the example given above.........i care about film which is why i am critical of it...nothing is more dangerous than when people blindly accept things and that goes for everything...therefore it applies here...if you dont agree with my argument cool but cant you respect the fact that im challenging common thought, blindly accepting of what is or isnt a classic and most people who actually give a damn about classics and that sorta thing respect casablanca therefore making it common challenging that really a bad thing? Oh great, now it's my dick that's killing me
"Film will only become an art when its materials are as inexpensive as pencil and paper."-J Cocteau ****************************************************************
Dear lilhatbandit:
I wholeheartedly agree with the thrust of your original posting.
A lot of new films, and a lot of old films are considered GREAT, or CLASSIC simply because a lot of people are quick to buy into the HYPE generated by such movies.
For me, it's all about MASS CONTAGION. Mass contagion is a lot like a video or a news flash going "viral" on the Internet, but mass contagion has been going on long before the Internet ever existed. Mass contagion is the underlying social mechanism behind all the "fads" and "crazes" in history. The "hula hoop" craze of the 1950's is an example, as is the craze over the "twist" as a new type of dance in the 1960's. An internet-age "craze" might be someone uploading a trick video of a kitten seemingly playing the piano, or some other seemingly trivial video, and it goes "viral", with millions of views in a matter of hours. A key aspect of mass contagion, whether on the internet or not, is that the intrinsic value of the object that the fad or craze is about in no way justifies the ever expanding waves of mass enthusiasm (hysteria) that they generate. Hence, "hula hoops" were really a trivial plastic toy item that in no way intrinsically justified all the hype, publicity, and the ensuing sales volumes that it got.
The same thing can be said about a lot of so called "block buster" newly released movies and a lot of so called "classic" old movies. The popularity of a lot of movies, both old and new, seem to outweigh the intrinsic merits of those movies, and can only rationally be understood by the fact that they have become "fads", or "crazes", or in 21st Century parlance, they've "gone viral". The basic mechanism here is that a person somehow hears that a movie is "great" or "classic" and actually believes it even before actually viewing the movie, that is, even before objectively considering the merits of the movie itself.
That's why, for me, the whole idea of any film being "classic" is just BS, why film awards of all types are just BS, why film critics are all full of BS, why certain filmmakers being considered "great" is just BS. In short, as a hard core film fanatic, I allow NO ONE to influence me in my objective evaluation of any film, old or new, that I view. I don't GIVE A DAMN whether a film is considered a "classic" or "great" before I view it. I make that decision by myself, and only for myself, and only after I view the film and subsequently think about it for myself.
And , yes, in my personal opinion, Breathless is a film whose enduring popularity, and its "classic" status, is an example of "mass contagion" or "hype" pumping up a film well beyond it's intrinsic merits. Breathless is a "fad" movie, a "craze" movie, that has "gone viral" across decades. However, in my opinion, it hardly rates as a forgettable B-movie from the 1960's.