A VERY Mediocre And VERY Amateurish Film !!!
"Film will only become an art when its materials are as inexpensive as pencil and paper."-J Cocteau
Frankly, I think Jean-Luc Godard's Breathless (1960) is VERY overrated. This is just a very AMATEURISH first attempt at filmmaking for Goddard.
That Jean-Paul Belmondo's character would murder a cop and then stick around Paris to get nabbed is unreal. Not even a DUMB criminal is DUMB enough to do that, especially since this guy has the means to flee the country and he is portrayed as a career criminal type with street savvy.
Jean Seberg's character is portrayed as an upscale, educated aspiring American journalist who is trying to make it in Paris, yet hooks up with an obvious low life like Jean-Paul's character? SORRY, but I just don't buy it. That she sticks around with Jean-Paul's character even after discovering his criminal nature is even more unbelievable.
OK, Jean's character finally smartens up at the end and turns in Jean-Paul's character to the cops. But then what does she do? She goes back to this low life thug and tells him what she did !!!! Either this gal has a latent suicidal wish or she is unbelievably STUPID. Why would any rational person go back to tell a fugitive on the run from a cop killer charge that she just ratted him out? Especially, since it puts her alone in in an apartment with this guy. UNREAL !!!!
Then there's the final scene where jean's character is running down the street toward Jean-Paul's character's bullet riddled body lying face down in the street. I mean, she actually still cares for this cold blooded cop killer even after he's righteously dead? GIVE ME A BREAK !!!! This film is just a love story from outer space, in my opinion. This film isn't about romance, it's about two DUMB people, just acting DUMB.
I mean I've seen a number of Absurdist / Avant Garde films that I thought were great because the unreal / absurd elements in the film had some sort of symbolic or interpretive meaning in the context of the whole film. Breathless, however, is a film with a basically unbelievable, not well thought out storyline that just has no symbolic or interpretive meaning at all, at least for me.
Although Goddard went on to make many great films, his initial effort here was a BIG FLOP as far as I'm concerned and the acclaim that Breathless got in its time was due to Goddard's already gotten fame as a film critic for a very influential Parisian film review and nothing more. That's the only sense that I can make of why such a MEDIOCRE film would get such high ratings.
Yeah! Yeah! I Know! This film was such a big "breakthrough" in filmmaking techniques. and let us not forget, "It's about style over substance". I've heard it all about this film, but no matter how much fancy wrapping that you put around the box, it all means NOTHING, if the present inside is just LOUSY. And that's what Godard gave the viewer here. This film is like a ham sandwich with lettuce, tomato, onions, mustard, pickle,and mayonnaise, but, WHOOPS!, he forgot the ham !!!
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