MovieChat Forums > Yûsei ôji Discussion > Wonderful sci-fi action-adventure!!!

Wonderful sci-fi action-adventure!!!

What a wonderful motion picture! Everything about it speaks of quality! The bird-men of Krankor, the giant chicken-ship, the mutant giant! All display such incredible SFX artistry that Lucas should bow his head and humbly concede that SW is LIGHT YEARS BEHIND this wondrous work of imagination! And the expressionistic decor that would not be out of place in one of the Dr. Mabuse films of Fritz Lang!

The dubbing which serves to remove the film from the reality which we know (or rather knew, the film taking place in 1959) and transposes it to a timeless reality is not unlike that which was achieved by using golden paint as the "background" on Byzantine icons!

Not to mention the earnestness and self-effacing mannerisms of our hero-as-bootblack! Yes, when it comes to this film I must say, along with Mickey-


"An Archer is known by his aim, not by his arrows."
-Li Chen-Sung (Richard Loo) The Outer Limits
