MovieChat Forums > Yûsei ôji Discussion > MST3K DVD Released

MST3K DVD Released

It's on the DVD Collection Volume 7, yay!


This is one of my favorite "Mike Nelson period"* MST3K episodes.

Some of the MST3K jokes during this movie may require a bit of explaining for an American audience.

For example,
When folks are leaning off a balcony, looking at the Krankor ship's first appearance in Earth's atmosphere, we hear Mike Nelson's voice shouting "It's Cheap Trick !"

This is a reference to the American rock band, "Cheap Trick", which was extremely well known and loved in Japan but virtually unheard of in America, until an American producer with clout happened to receive a tape showing Japanese audiences going nuts over a Cheap Trick performance. THe producer decided to take a chance on promoting Cheap Trick in America.

Other American bands, too, enjoy a big following in Japan and a comparatively small one in the USA. Hall and Oates, for example, has been solidly, bankably popular for decades in Japan, but only briefly gained that sort of popularity in the USA.

*As opposed to "Joel Robinson era" episodes, when the robots' human cohort was original host/MST3k inventor Joel Hodgson.


Even Leif Garrett had a fanatical following in Japan. He was mobbed every time he toured in that country.

"An Archer is known by his aim, not by his arrows."
-Li Chen-Sung (Richard Loo) The Outer Limits


I wish Rhino could be "bothered" to release 'em individually...I don't always want EVERYthing that's in a particular set...oh well...


I'm sure I will like it very much!


I enjoy this movie as much as I enjoy boot-blacking. Rest assured, I like it very much.
