MovieChat Forums > Yûsei ôji Discussion > 'So am I your hostage or what?'

'So am I your hostage or what?'

I love the MST3K version, this movie was made to be mocked. I don't know why this film is so bad and stupid.

The kid almost ran after the alien leader.

Spread The Fear,
Toyland Chairman


You would figure the director would have yelled "cut" and they would have done another take. But that awful (but very funny) shot made it into the movie? Why the heck did the kid run after Krankor? If you throw a gernade into a hole, you would figure the kid would run and jump in the hole along with the explosive, you would figure.



I also love the part where Prince of space is dodging laser shots on the ground and Crow says "I have no powers however I can skip reasonably well" That craks me up every time!

