Fictional Geography

The movie opens when Luther Kelly goes aboard the steamboat Far West. Apparently the Far West is travelling on the Yellowstone or Missouri River toward Fort Buford, North Dakota, where the Yellowstone flows into the Missouri..

In the talk between Major Towns and Kelly on the steamboat Far West, it is claimed that the land south of the Missouri is unmapped and unknown except to Kelly - which was untrue in real history. Major Towns says his mission is to drive the Sioux out of the region south of the Missouri and back to Dakota. So Towns plans to operate in Montana, west of Fort Buford, and Kelly also traps in Montana. Kelly says he traps along the fictional Snake River, and he tells Major Towns that if Townes goes to the Snake River he will be defeated.

The Missouri River flows from west to east in Montana and then turns south in North Dakota. The Yellowstone River flows from southwest to northeast and joins the Missouri at Fort Buford. Many other rivers and creeks flow into the Missouri or the Yellowstone in Montana, but there is no Snake River in Montana.

So I don't know in what direction the fictional snake river is supposed to flow, or whether it is supposed to join the Missouri or the Yellowstone. And above all, I don't know whether the story events in the Snake River country are supposed to happen north or south of the Yellowstone River.

In my other post "The Fictional Date" I decided that Major Towns was most likely coming from the east and Saint Louis, Missouri, travelling in the Far West up the Missouri River to Fort Buford. Thus Kelly should have boarded the Far West south of Fort Buford and the Yellowstone River. And this indicates that the Snake River region should be south of the Yellowstone.

August 20-31, 2024


In real life the Missouri River flows eastward in Montana and takes a bend to the south in Dakota. The Yellowstone River flows northeast to join the Missouri just over the line in Dakota. Fort Buford is north of the Missouri River right across from the mouth of the Yellowstone that enters the Missouri from the south. And I have to wonder whether those facts are true in the fictional world of Yellowstone Kelly.

I found an online script for Yellowstone Kelly.

On the Far West Anse talks to Kelly about his pelts.

Sure a lot of skins.

- Where you come by them?
- Up the snake.

- That's Sioux country.

Major Towns tells Kelly he's coming to take command at Fort Buford.

Now, my first duty there will be to
jump the Sioux south of the Yellowstone...


The territory south of the
Missouri is unmapped, unknown.

That is, to everyone but you Mr. Kelly.

If he is right, obviously the steamboat Far West can't be on the Yellowstone south of the Missouri. Thus it should be on the Missouri River headed to Fort Buford. If it is going down the Missouri it would be coming from Montana and the Snake River should be north of the Yellowstone. If it is going up the Missouri it would be coming from Nebraska and Missouri and the Snake River should be south of the Yellowstone. Since Towns says he isn't an Indian fighter he should be coming from that direction.

Kelly tells him:

I go leading you up the snake, like is not...

you won't even have
anybody left to bugle over you.

This sort of implies the Snake River is south of the Yellowstone where Towns says he is going.

Later Kelly tells Anse:

One day I hope to have enough traps to set
every game trail north of the Yellowstone.

Which sort of implies the fictional Snake River region where Kelly traps is north of the Yellowstone. But maybe Kelly plans to expand his trapping area to north of the Yellowstone.


Later Kelly tells Anse who wants to be his assistant:

Got any idea what it's like to
spend a winter in Montana high country..

So Kelly's cabin and trapping area is in Montana and in the high country.

Later Gall justifies breaking a peace treaty:

You would've them take away our land,
our horses, drive us to the north?

So Gall believes the white men want to drive the Sioux from Montana to the north, perhaps to Canada, while Major Towns says his orders are to drive the Sioux to Dakota, which is east of Montana.

At Kelly's cabin the Arapaho woman Wahleeh says she will soon be well and go. Kelly asks where.

To my people, beyond the land that burns.

Kelly says:

It's a hundred uphill miles to Arapaho
country, you'll never make it..

One day when Kelly is away checking traps, Whaleeh is by a body of water when she sees a dead soldier floating downstream. It might be a tributary of the Snake or the Snake River itself.

Later Major Townes and his command are by a river where several soldiers cross to rejoin the command. The sergeant says they were attacked upriver and the Sioux ran off after attacking.

- South sir.

- They're heading for their winter camp.


The Snake is crawling with Sioux sir...

we get cut off in high
country, we won't have a chance.

So this river is the Snake River.

When Kelly returns to the cabin and hears what happened he says:

That means as the
army is moving up the snake.

Kelly says what Towns said his plans were:

Yeah, he said he was going to cross
the Yellowstone and jump the Sioux.


Kelly plans to find and warn the Major the next day, but a storm is coming.

An unspecified time later, after the storm, Major Town's command is at a river.


No sign of them major.
Must've doubled back in the storm.

- Well then they crossed the river behind us.

- Yes sir, and there's no telling where.

Can we get the men across here sergeant?

Sgt: blockquote>Yes sir, but don't you think we ought to
circle high around and pick up their...

Towns then tells a corporal:
We're swinging south, have the rear
guard close up on the main body.

So apparently Town's command has been following the trail of the hostiles, and the storm obliterated their trail. The sergeant had been scouting ahead and hadn't seen any sign of the hostiles. Thus the sergeant deduced that the hostiles doubled back and probably crossed the river behind Towns's command. And since crossing the river means going south, the river should go roughly west to east.

And then Kelly arrives:

Planning on crossing the river, are you?

I told you I was going to
drive the Sioux back to the Dakotas.

That's what I intend to do.

No, you look major...

Give or take a squaw, there's 1,000
head of Sioux south of the Yellowstone.

If Towns has 100 to 200 men, the odds would be fairly even if the 1,000 Sioux include the women and children. If 1,000 Sioux counts only the warriors Towns will be badly outnumbered. Anyway Towns says he will have the element of surprise.

They've had eyes on you ever since
you left the mouth of the Snake.

So Major Towns has been north of the Yellowstone while going up the Snake, implying Kelly's cabin and traps in the Snake region are north of the Yellowstone.




I'll tell you once more major,
on this side you're in trouble...

over there you're dead.

When Kelly returns to his cabin he finds Sayapi has been there and took Wahleeh. Kelly follows them. The movie doesn't show any river crossings, so possibly they stay on the same sides of the rivers as Kelly's cabin.

Later, riding back with Wahleeh, Kelly says:

The land that burns.

We'll follow it north,
take you to high country.

So the land that burns is between Arapaho country and Kelly's cabin in the high country. And the land that burns is also between where Kelly caught up with Sayapi and Kelly's cabin in the high country.

And then Kelly and Wahleeh meet the remnants of Towns's command, soon followed by Gall and his warriors.

Maybe the survivors of Town's command were still south of the Yellowstone, or maybe they had crossed to the north side of the Yellowstone in their retreat, pursued by Gall and his warriors. So this is not very conclusive about which side of the Yellowstone the Snake River was on.

And this is about all the information about the fictional geography in Yellowstone Kelly.
