MovieChat Forums > Teenagers from Outer Space (1959) Discussion > If This Makes Me A Moron, Oh Well

If This Makes Me A Moron, Oh Well

I like TFOS. Teen love amidst world conquest!


I came here to post exactly the same thing. I saw it yesterday for the first time, and I couldn't help but be sucked in by how enthusiastic the filmmakers obviously were to make this B-grade (C-grade?) classic.

My wife and I bought her dad one of those "100 movie" DVD sets on Amazon for Christmas, with a bunch of public domain sci-fi flicks. He's been saving watching them for when we come to visit. I picked this one out yesterday based on the title alone, and although we laughed at most of it, I gotta say I really enjoyed it and would watch it again.


Have you watched the Ed Wood horror movies? You might enjoy them as well. Kinda fun with several people to laugh with.


Sure have! If you watch several of these z-grade retro genre movies in succession, you get in a place that is light years from the troubles of this world.


Yes, not a bad SCI.FI movie at all; does anyone know what David Love is doing now? Seven marks out of ten.


There was an article about him and TFOS in Filmfax Magazine four or five years ago. Can't remember if he is still alive.


Actually, 30 minutes in, I like it quite a bit. You've got the 'young love' angle working, you've got one of the aliens chasing the good-guy Romeo alien, you've got an invasion plot working. A lot of strong elements working together. Give the production staff a budget and some of the stuff you get with any major league movie (ie boom mikes, professional standard props, etc) and you'd have a pretty strong movie.


A much better flick than many others of its type. These folks were doing their best to make a decent movie and succeeded!


I agree it was much more enjoyable than many like this. For bad B movie sci fi, this was fun. It needs a higher imdb rating, but I'm guessing that won't ever happen. For what it is, I gave it an 8 out of 10.


I love stuff like this, but even for me, TFOS is pretty stupid. Sorry, old friend babettegillette, I don't agree that these people were doing their best to make a good film, but even if that were so, they certainly didn't succeed...unless the result honestly does represent the best they were capable of!


The movie has competent direction and camerawork, and snappy editing that keeps things moving along with little or no padding (something you can't say for most low-budget sci-fi flicks). The acting isn't great but the actors are certainly sincere. This movie really is trying to be good, and the fact that it fails makes it no less fun to watch.


Call me a moron as well. This film had a lot of sweet moments, and though the special effects were cheesy, they were also very cool. I also love '50s films set in the suburbs. 7/10 stars from me.


I'm a pretty brutal critic when I give numerical ratings to movies, but believe it or not I give this one a 7. With no budget to work with, film stock and developing lab costs were likely the greatest expense on the film, I still loved it. You could tell that the actors really gave it their all. The effort in the performances really showed that they wanted to make a cool movie, not just collect a (small) check.


for a scifi film, the plot was way ahead of its time. The aliens arent even interested in humans - they just want to raise their monstrous cattle here (not unlike powerful nations exploiting weak ones). Their lack of concern is in keeping with their "Brave New World" fascist state (a warning of where humanity is going, again). Derek's general lack of emoting (in keeping with his society) and superficial resemblance to Nimoy reminds me of Spock. While the special effects were amateurish, I'll take rattling skeletons over cgi. Note the mist in the swimming pool death sequence, a nice touch which adds consistency with how the disintegrating ray would effect water.


This movie is just so darned earnest that it's hard not to like it. I think it's the earnestness on the part of the cast that helps it to rise above it's limitations, like the hammy acting and corny dialogue. I think the gargon was a hoot, especially considering the long build up to the reveal. Thor is a total psychopath, albeit a bit one dimensional. The story is engaging and the movie is actually quite suspenseful. Dawn Bender consistently rises above the material. She's a fine and believable actress and the best thing in the movie. I so wish she had done more after this but will look for some of the older titles she was in. Like another user on the board I also gave this one an eight. I can watch it over and over again. "I shall make the Earth my home and I shall never, never leave it." I want that on my tombstone.

''It's a lonely way, you know, the way of the necromancer.''

