A short version / promo like?
Years ago, when I was a kid I watched a lot of Disney movies on my VHS tapes. On one of those tapes I had "Blame it on the samba" and a short, almost music video like version of The Sleeping Beauty (not sure what else was on the tape). There was no speech in this version, only dramatic music which played along with what was happening on screen. It was a really interesting promo like material, but obviously not a trailer, and for a kid, this was probably the creepiest Disney thing I've seen, and no speech made it all the more darker IMO. There was a bit of the forest scene, then I remember princess pricking herself, and I remember the prince fighting a dragon. All of this acompanied by an orchestrated dramatic music.
Does anyone know of anyhing like this? I'd really like to see it again. Oh, and I'm watching the movie just now for the first time, because I remembered the short video I've seen as a kid.