Fairy my a**! She was the devil!
Yes I am aware that way before the animated movie got made, she was inspired by a tale of a fairy who put a child to sleep. But in the old tales there was no maleficent! Maleficent was an original character they created because a fairy wouldn't be intimidating enough as a villain. Marc Davis designed her to be the devil/sorceres/witch.. She called for all the powers of hell! What more proof of people need? She also called herself mistress of all evil, wore horns and turned herself into a dragon. Maleficent was a demonic creature, no doubt.
Sad that the b*th Linda woolverton and Angelina had to make a new version and label her as a fairy because now everyone thinks that the animated maleficent was a fairy too and she wasn't. Those men-hating women ruined maleficent's reputation and legacy (as well as the other characters). Now it says fairy in the cartoon's bio all over Google, Wikipedia.... Disney had more guts back in the days. Why are they sugarcoating everything now? Next they're going to change the devil from fantasia into a fairy too lol