Savage Innocents, The

I would like to purchase this movie, if there is anyone out there or anywhere
who might have a copy.

My email is [email protected].


There is now an excellent widescreen dvd available from Spain. It is, of course, "region 2" and PAL, but if your player and tv can cope it's a wonderful buy. You can make on-line purchase from <>, though you may need a Spanish-speaking friend to guide you round the site.



Type "Robert's hard to find videos" into a search engine and check out his site. There you'll find The Savage Innocents but as it suggests you'll only be able to get the video and not DVD! It also comes from Canada I think so it may take a while.


Just saw the Spanish (PAL region 2) DVD yesterday. Stunning! Maybe it's time for some serious movie lovers to invest $30-40 for a region-free format-free DVD player (Cybertone is great) and get into another dimension of movie appreciation and movie availability. It may take generations to see this great movie released in NTSC region 1. Why wait? The solution is so near and so affordable. By the way, another DVD edition will be relased at the end of January (UK, PAl, region 2).


There is Eureka/Masters of Cinema editions in UK (Jan 2006) featuring the uncensored, uncut full version of the film (longer than Spanish DVD). Original aspect ratio, anamorphically enhanced image, and full-lenght commentary. PAL, all regions.


aspalex......where can I buy this DVD? Also, will it play in any DVD player in the US?


You can buy this disc from, Bensonsworld and other distributors in Europe. The disc will play in any US DVD player, as it is encoded for all regions. What your TV will do is another matter - not all US TV sets can handle PAL signal. This is however not a problem for computers.


I believe a Region 1 version of the movie is about to be released.

