DVD reported coming in 2010

The Savage Innocents is reported due out on R1 DVD sometime in 2010. Olive Films has contracted with Paramount to release 27 films from the studio's library and TSI is among them. No release date or other information at this time, but will post when more is known.


Will never best the MoC dvd, but I guess it's a worthy alternative to the bootleg-quality releases available.


What's the MoC DVD? I have never heard this was available legitimately, i.e., non-bootleg.


http://www.dvdbeaver.com/FILM/DVDReviews20/savage_innocents_dvd_review .htm

UK edition. It's now OOP as a rights-dispute emerged not long after its release. The company that ultimately earned the rights ended up putting out another "bootleg" quality release. But it's the no-brainer if you're lucky enough to find a copy. And for a Ray fanatic, the movie is hardly worth watching in anything other than widescreen.


Ah, thank you. It's never been on tape or DVD in the US, nor broadcast in the US for many years.

You hardly have to be a Nicholas Ray fanatic to prefer movies widescreen, uncut, or unchanged in any way (colorized, altered soundtrack, whatever). All films shold be presented exactly as they were made, period.
