Can't find

I can't find this on DVD in the United States??? I can't believe Netflix doesn't even have it....I know you could argue they don't have a lot of movies, but c'mon it's Nicholas Ray here! Does anyone know when it's going to have a U.S. dvd release?


i don't believe there is a release in the works, however, I would recommend buying an all regions dvd player.. i bought this dvd on - look for the masters of cinema version - i bought it for roughly 26 us dollars...
also available from the british film institute is a fabulous dvd version of Bigger than Life which is considered by many to be one of Ray's best films.. it was like 15 dollars but the quality is up to criterion collection standards complete with extras and commentary.


There also is a German Nice-Price DVD which has the image and sound of the Masters-of-Cinema-DVD - it's also R2 and PAL, of course - but a bit cheaper than the OOP Eureka-Disc.


Netflix has it and I'm getting ready to watch it on my TV via the internet....



Currently on Youtube in not bad quality.
