not quite the end

So right before the credits, we see two pillows that say "the end" and then the camera pans up to see two more pillows that say "not quite." That's about when my DVR box stopped recording. So is there an additional scene after the credits, or was a sequel planned that never materialized? Or is there another reason? That's my question.


"So why don't you make like a tree and get out of here."


no that was the end. in the notes afterward they said they were thinking of a sequel and it was to star kristi macnichol as their daughter. i have tried looking it up and find nothing so far.



I think the two other pillows meant that they had two babies (weren't they pink and baby blue)....that it was not *the end* of their love story but the continuation...


Always set your DVR a minute before and at least a couple of minutes longer than the scheduled time for the program you are recording.


I watched Pillow Talk as a child, and I distinctly remember the final scene after "The End" Not quite, not quite, not quite. It was a central park scene, where Brad is pushing a black baby carriage (the old fashioned precursor to a stroller). Forbes is walking with him as he pushes the baby, and the Dr. happens to see them together with the baby, and it's not spoken, but implied that he thinks they're a couple and the baby is theirs!

I saw this ending once more in the 90s, but alas, never since, nor can't I find any mention of it anywhere... I suppose it was somehow destroyed or accidentally cut by whomever purchased it in later years from the movie studio.
