Which movie?!

There is a movie about a playboy and a single career woman. The two have never met, yet this woman hates this man because she KNOWS he is a player when it comes to women. When they finally meet, the man knows who the woman is, but she doesn't know who he is. He creates a new name for himself, and the two start to date. His 'alternate personality' is the exact opposite of who he really is. There are split screen phone class that make the two actors appear to be interacting with each other...she finds out who is really is and gets rather upset. He realizes that he really loves her and reforms his playboys ways. Then they live happily ever after...with a late 50's New York flair!

Oh, and did I mention this sweet-talking bachelor has a rigged up, lady-snaring apartment?

Just wondering...is this movie Pillow Talk? or Down With Love?


Pillow Talk


...trick question!! The answer is...BOTH!!!!!!!


The answer is Pillow Talk. You asked for the name of a movie and Down With Love is not a movie. Pillow Talk, now thats a movie. :-)


"Down with Love" was supposed to be a spoof on "Pillow Talk" and Doris Day's other so-called sex comedies, except that it didn't succeed half as well, IMO...


Down With Love was a spoof, which is why it didn't work. It may have worked as a 10 minute skit but nothing more.


I liked "DWL", though of course it was nowhere close to this & "Lover Come Back". There was a lot more innuendo in "DWL" too, which I didn't appreciate. The whole split-screen thing in this was nice, & I found the bathtub scene with the two feet touching very sexy, but Ewan McGregor doing press-ups on top of Renee Zellweger was not sexy in the least.

The best part of "DWL" was David Hyde Pierce as Tony Randall's 'nerdy best friend' character, he was superb. Wonder what Tony Randall, who of course was also in "DWL", thought of it.

Catriona x

Roger Federer - the greatest champion & sexiest man ever
