MovieChat Forums > The Nun's Story (1959) Discussion > Why did she take back the pen?

Why did she take back the pen?

In a very early scene in the movie, we see Gabrielle in her bedroom putting some items aside from who is presumably an old beau named Jean, as there is a ring she takes off her finger, asking that they be returned to him in a note. One of the things also is a very nice looking golden fountain pen. Then just as she is about to leave the room with her suitcase ready to go downstairs to be taken by her father to enter the convent, she looks back having second thoughts, and puts the pen in her pocket. Is this an allusion to the problems Sr Luke will face in the convent, in that she is far too worldly, (an accusation later made to her by Dr Fortuanti) and cannot really give up the life she had before, as a nun is asked to do?


I dunno but I appreciate the query as it made me aware of the film. Gonna watch


I trust I didn't give away too many spoilers then!


I think a Freudian would have an answer. In her heart of hearts she wasn't ready to give up the dick ( pen = penis ).


Based on the time frame, one has the impression that Gaby was a good Catholic girl, in Brussels. Remember, in that era, a nice girl wasn't supposed to do things like that. Before the scene with Jean's items, you hear her uttering aloud the counsels of religious life, including Jesus' words about if you would be perfect, sell what thou has and give to the poor and come follow me! But in the next breath, she can't forego something as simple as a fountain pen, indicating perhaps she really isn't suited to what she is embarking upon. As the story progresses, we see this again and again, which is even recognized by her atheist doctor colleague.
