Absurd movie
I thought they were finally going to get to the obvious point on which the wife could have defiantly swore that he was the true hubby (or not) when the one barrister said 'Come now, you lived together as husband and wife for (4 ?) years" (or something close to this).
They say that no 2 humans have the same finger prints .... well, as anyone over the age of 12 knows, the odds of both men having the same penis are so off the charts ...
They did sleep in separate beds and this was made in 1959 but please, even in 1959 men and women weren't so isolated from each other during 'the act' that she wouldn't have been aware of the 'difference' the very 1st time they were intimate again upon his return from the war. OK, the odds aren't as high as with finger prints and its very possible that they 'did it' in the dark. But long before this ever came to trial, she would have surely 'known'. How the hell did these A list actors get roped into this joke of a story ??? I can just imagine the audiences reaction to this movie back in '59 !! No doubt 9/10ths of the men were sitting there in silence rolling their eyes and 100% of the females were holding back laughs.
The ride home would have been pretty awkward too as in 1959 sex wasn't discussed openly like today. No doubt it would have came out but with a bit of blushing, hinting and lots of 'you know ...' and 'think about it dear, it will come to you ... ' (to the 1/10th of the thick as a brick male population). It had to provide plenty of laughs around the water cooler and on bridge night :-)
BTW, I'm no spring chicken, I was around in '59 so yes I'm aware of how things were when it came to matters of 'sex' but they weren't THIS off the wall - trust me !