Jane Eyre?

In my senior year we had to read Jane Eyre for English class. Often times after finishing a book we would watch the movie. My friend wrote a comparative essay about Jane Eyre and this movie, with Jane being paralleled to the Gila monster and Edward Rochester to Chase and the gang. The essay was quite a stretch, but my English teacher is really laid back and has a great sense of humor, so we watched this movie. It was awesome.


And moronic.

Nothing exists more beautifully than nothing.


A Jane Eyre/Giant Gila Monster parallel? I love it!

But, could Edward Rochester ever infuse more heartfelt soul into "The Flower Song" than the inimitable Chase Winstead did with his interpretation of that timeless song?


I thought it was based on Jane Eyre in the first place. Isn't it obvious? Like Clueless is Emma


Not Jane Eyre, it's obviously a rural U.S. take on Clouzot's The Wages of Fear. If there's anything Bronte about it, perhaps Chase is a Heatcliffe figure, and the gila monster is Hindley Earnshaw.


I smell a seminar!


Everyone knows Santa Claus Conquers the Martians is based on The Tempest.
