MovieChat Forums > The Giant Gila Monster Discussion > Were The Words To That Song...

Were The Words To That Song...

I sing whenever I sing, I sing? Lol!
And tell me, the main tow-truck guy... Can ANYBODY be as nice and selfless as this guy? This guy makes Jesus look like Captain Hook... He's SO nice! And a rock 'n' roller too!
Laugh, Children Laugh! At this movie!
(It was bad... But it's funnier then ANYTHING Ben Stiller has starred in in the past 5 years!

Trust me,


It's not really a song, just a mishmash of random words and a severely fractured tempo, hilarious film though, busted a gut


I know this discussion is kind of old, but DAP Central has the lyrics to the "I sing whenever I sing" song: e=article&sid=77
