'Bent-Knee-Syndrome ' on Gila Monster?
I've heard other fans of this film, point out that you often see Chase, the sheriff, Chase's comely French girlfriend, the town drunk, "Steamroller" Smith, etc., ALL, at some point in the film, put their foot up on a car fender, a fire hydrant, a chair, (the giant gila monster itself?), as if everyone in Chase's hometown suffers from some sort of a weird variation of the much more commonly known "Restless-Leg-Syndrome."
Do you think that possibly everyone in that town, also imbibed some of those "unusual" salts, which the sheriff at one point in the film, theorized were causing the gila monster's pituitary gland to go into "maximum-warp-overdrive"? (Maybe those same "salts" were also giving everyone, how should I put this, "over-active" knees?)