MovieChat Forums > The Giant Gila Monster Discussion > 'Bent-Knee-Syndrome ' on Gila Monste...

'Bent-Knee-Syndrome ' on Gila Monster?

I've heard other fans of this film, point out that you often see Chase, the sheriff, Chase's comely French girlfriend, the town drunk, "Steamroller" Smith, etc., ALL, at some point in the film, put their foot up on a car fender, a fire hydrant, a chair, (the giant gila monster itself?), as if everyone in Chase's hometown suffers from some sort of a weird variation of the much more commonly known "Restless-Leg-Syndrome."

Do you think that possibly everyone in that town, also imbibed some of those "unusual" salts, which the sheriff at one point in the film, theorized were causing the gila monster's pituitary gland to go into "maximum-warp-overdrive"? (Maybe those same "salts" were also giving everyone, how should I put this, "over-active" knees?)


Yeah man! The first time my friend and I watched this we were cracking up about that. Whenever they see a raised object with a flat surface, they simply can't resist a good leg rest. They always place their foot on the various pedestals so intently.


Nice observation, but it's a Texas mannerism. I lived there a long time... even picked it up.

Whoever tells the best story wins ~John Quincy Adams


So in Texas, is every object that stands from 6 to 18 inches off the ground covered in footprints? Sounds messy.


I've lived in Texas most of my life, I never picked up that mannerism!


Among the many innovations of Texans are "leaning" and the "He needed killing" legal defence.


Those that mention it are probably those that have seen the Mystery Science Theatre 3000 treatment of the movie. They did an entire segment about it.

In fact, from the listing at "";, note segment 3:

First shown: 6/13/92
Opening: Crow and Tom are the Thing with Two Heads
Invention exchange: Sitcom radio, Renaissance festival punching bags
Host segment 1: Crow and Tom disrupt Joel's soda shop sketch
Host segment 2: Different types of funny drunks
Host segment 3: "Servo on Cinema" looks at Ray Kellogg's "Leg Up" directorial style
End: Hee-La the rock group rehearses, letters (including one from TV's Frank!)
Stinger: Old guy gags on sody pop


Top stuff. As for the aforementioned "Restless Leg Syndrome", a fabulous musical description thereof is available by the peerless Half Man Half Biscuit. It's called (naturally) "Restless Legs" and is the opening track of their 2005 album "Achtung Bono", on Probe Plus.


Can you imagine if the comely Sharon Stone had employed that same "Restless Leg Syndrome" for her notorious scene in "Basic Instinct" ? Oy vey!!!😘😀
