question about the DVD

Does it have the original audio track in it? Or do they use the later track where English was dubbed over the Gaelic? 'Cause that could be a deal-breaker.


Ooo-kay. No responses. I can take this as no one has actually bought the disc and knows the answer or simply no one cares.



Im gettin the DVD from when I get it I'll let ya know


I have the movie on video cassette and the gaelic is untouched, I love it! I don't understand it yet, but I love it.(I'm american studying gaelic for fun-the only thing my great-great uncle taught me in gaelic is "Pug Mahone"-which I am led to believe is extremely insulting but everyone who knows what it means precisly thinks I'm too much of a nice girl to know. Blast)


In which scenes did they alter the Gaelic?
