Darby sequels

I could have sworn there were 2 other Darby o Gill movies. 1 where he goes to a suburb with his daughter who is grown and has a family, and 1 after that where his grandon comes to Ireland with him. I saw them on Disney a long time ago but I cant remember what their called and cant find any information on them. Can someone please help me, or at least tell me they remember those to so i dont think im crazy.




You're probably thinking of The Gnome Mobile which has much of the same feeling, with small human-like creatures interacting with humans. It's a Disney film by the same director, Robert Stephenson.


I have thought the same thing for a long time, but have found no references. I'm familiar with the Gnome Mobile as someone suggest-- not the same thing.


You're thinking of the "Luck of the Irish" movies. They were cheap made-for-TV garbage and had nothing to do with Darby O'Gill.


One darby o gill film is more than enough in one life time Col


Not for me. I'd love to see a remake with Sean Connory playing Darby.


Yeah, I think Sean Connery should be Darby and Bjork could be his daughter. That's a great idea for a sequel. Maybe Conan O'brien could be the king of the Leprechauns also.


You had me up to Conan O'Brien. He would be simply AWFUL!


Nope I found them, they were called Leapin Leprechauns. I knew I wasnt crazy


Leapin Leprechauns was a terrible movie and wasn't a sequel to Darby O'Gill.


Omg I remember the Gnome Mobile, what on earth was going on in the film though-I can't remember, something about the grandpa being locked up and the kids were sawing through the bars on the window to get him out?


Leapin' Leprechauns not only wasn't a sequel to Darby, but it was a total insult. The effects (more than 30 years later when they COULD have done better) were cheesy, the story was stupid and nobody in the cast could act! It was utterly charmless.

Give me Darby any day!
