Darby sequels

I could have sworn there were 2 other Darby o Gill movies. 1 where he goes to a suburb with his daughter who is grown and has a family, and 1 after that where his grandon comes to Ireland with him. I saw them on Disney a long time ago but I cant remember what their called and cant find any information on them. Can someone please help me, or at least tell me they remember those to so i dont think im crazy.


You're thinking of Disney's "Luck of the Irish" series. They were cheap made-for-cable crap; badly acted, worse written and having nothing to do with Darby O'Gill, King Brian or anything else.


Actually, I know the films you're talking about. The first was called "Leapin' Lepracuans" and the second was "Spellbound" (I'm pretty sure that's the name. At least, that's the name I remember from Disney. I haven't looked that one up though.)
