anybody have the song?

I fell in love with the song "Pretty Irish Girl" the first time I saw this movie, but have never been able to find it. Does anybody have this song, and could you please send it to me?

dO NoT TyPe likE ThIs...It MaKeS yOu LoOk ReT@RdEd.


My mom got me this boxed set of disney song from all these old movies and that one is on it but i dont know where you could find these cds now since i have had them since i was 2 and now im 16 but i love the movie.


Thanks, I found the cd set, but it's way too expensive, especially since i have most of the other songs on it already. Any chance you could e-mail me the mp3 of the song?

dO NoT TyPe likE ThIs...It MaKeS yOu LoOk ReT@RdEd.


I have the song in it's entirety but its not by the original artists. But it'll do. Although I believe that both Connery and Munro sang the song in the film, the recording which was released only in the UK were two other artists by the name of Brendan O'Dowda and Ruby Murray. The recording I have is supposedly a sound alike version of that recording, but its well done for what it is.

I don't take the movies seriously and anyone who does is in for a headache


awesome, could you send it to me?

dO NoT TyPe likE ThIs...It MaKeS yOu LoOk ReT@RdEd.


I think the Brendan O'Dowda and Ruby Murray version is actually from the movie:

"A popular misconception is that the duet, A Pretty Irish Girl, was actually sung by Sean Connery and Janet Munro. In fact the vocals on the recording were dubbed by Irish singers, Brendan O'Dowda and Ruby Murray. A single of the duet was released in the UK."



Whoever sang or dubbed the song "Pretty Irish Girl" in the film, a version by Sean Connery and Janet Munro was released on a 45 rpm single in the UK in August, 1959 on the Top Rank label, catalogue number JAR 163.
