Banshee photos?
Does anyone know where I can find pictures of the banshee? I want to scare my friend a little bit, mwooahahahaha.
shareDoes anyone know where I can find pictures of the banshee? I want to scare my friend a little bit, mwooahahahaha.
shareWhoa, I'm late! Anyway, I don't believe there are pics of the banshee, so I think the only way to scare your friend is to get him/her to watch the movie.
But then again, showing pictures of the banshee would scare your friend a little, but watching the movie would probably TERRIFY
your friend, so forget what I said about making him/her watch the movie.
makes your blood freeze in the veins
----------This is who we are----------
I saw this film when I was a kid and the Banshee scared the beep out of me, and iv never been able to watch it since(21 now)
ARH!, SHarK!
(shark attack 3 MEGALODON)
I realize your query is quite dated, but I cannot help myself. Are you inquiring literally about actual banshee photos? Because a zillion and one artistic drawings and digital composites are found on sites like Google [but you knew this]
However, actual photos - - No. Screaming banshees are strictly U.K. mythical legend my friend :)