Didn't you just love it when Hope Lange orders this at the company restaurant? Doesn't this just encapsulate her character as a non-nonsense career girl who lives with her parents in Wilton, Connecticut, and doesn't it just cement that whole '50's atmospheree even better than the white gloves and the pearls? Let me see...in a 2006 remake the heroine would order a falafel sandwich and a double mocha frappuchino, Lord help us.
Hate to tell you people but as a kid in the 60's I drank milk with a hamburger, sometimes as a teen in the 70's too. And look how normal I turned out?? I am laughing my ass off right now.
That seems like a 50's/60's thing. Milk with meat? My mom never served them together for a meal so the combination never occured to me. Who knows I might like it but I can't bring myself to try it.
"Listen here, chisel chest - okay. We were here first." - Ed Zeddmore to Dean Winchester
This is making me laugh so uncontrollably. My mom would always give us milk for lunch on Saturday no matter what we were having for the meal. Bologna sandwich-Milk. Leftover meatloaf-Milk. Hamburgers-MILK. I think perhaps it was just because she grew up on a farm where they had dairy cows and would milk every morning so therefore drank milk all the time.
I don't think of meat with milk very odd, but I very much don't like it, unless of course it brings back some fond not-to-long-ago memories.
It's funny the things (especially food) that are odd to some people and not another. My dad would always eat bacon with ketchup and I've been told by many, many people that that's very odd.
Some others from my (apparently very odd) family: Bologna-grape jelly sandwich Shredded carrot in jello Saltines with Choclate Ice Cream - one I actually LOVE.
"Didn't you go to school stupid?" -"Yep, but I came out the same way."
What's considered "normal" food seems to vary by place and generation. Aspic jelly, anybody? How about Vienna sausage hors d'oeuvres?
And does anyone else remember putting a mixture of ketchup and mayonnaise ("fry sauce" in other words) in ground beef crispy tacos? I'm trying to figure out where that one originated.
Milk and spaghetti is a great combination. The milk cuts through the acidity of the tomato sauce, you see. I was a weird kid, I guess. I PREFERRED milk to pop or any other beverage.
"Bologna-grape jelly sandwich"
Never heard of that but I have to second the other poster: "Don't think so."
"I told you a million times not to talk to me when I'm doing my lashes"!
I am formerly known as HillieBoliday.....Member since May 2006:
How odd that you would mention a down button....my sentiments exactly!!!!!
I've been contemplating sending an email to IMDB, requesting the possibility of adding a like/dislike button so that you don't have to always verbally respond if you agree or not with a statement...you are an inspiration...and I think I'll follow through!