Years ago I bought this on vhs, I still have it, but found a dvd copy of it at walmart for $1. I bought it, but compared to the VHS version, it wasnt worth it. It was badly washed out, plus there is a scene missing on the dvd. When the butler Warner is pouring the tea, they were discussing a leaky pipe. He said he packed the elbow. It then cuts to Vincent Price. On the VHS, version, He said he packed the elbow. Agnes asked him where he learned how to do that.
"Every day in life a little rain must fall, and a man learns how to keep himself dry" was his response.


It doesn't do that on my DVD...I did notice that they added a scene...on the tape when the Bat is using the glass cutter, they cut to him taking it out. On the DVD, they show him tapping the piece he's taking out. But did you notice how on the VHS tape in the beginning, there's that REALLY creepy music playing before the opening credits, and everything's black, whereas on the DVD they cut right to the opening credits so you miss the REALLY creepy part of the opening music?


So theres an additional scene on the dvd? Hmm. Great I just finished transferring my tape to DVD, but looks like i will have to go check the dvd version again


I know, it's weird...I don't get it, I really don't get it...people who put the tape out in the 80's and 90's couldn't have known then that they would have a chance to put the full thing on DVD, so why didn't they put that little scene in on the tape as well? It's like House on Haunted Hill, DVD has Watson point out the stain in the ceiling is blood, the VHS just shows the stain and he explains what murder happened there.
