Gremlin (or does that not count?)
I wasn't sure what a gremlin is (aside from the film of the same name), so I looked it up.
My Webster's defines a gremlin as "a cause of error or equipment malfunction (as in aircraft) conceived of as a small mischievous gnome." (That's a pretty good match about the aircraft and equipment malfunction, but a gnome? Really? I associate gnomes with garden gnomes.)
So, Webster's defines a gnome as "an ageless and often deformed dwarf of folklore who lives in the earth and usually guards treasure."
So apparently a gremlin is an ageless, deformed dwarf who lives in the earth, but sometimes comes out to mischievously cause aircraft equipment to malfunction. But is it an animal? Beats me. It walks on two legs, but then, some animals do that. (Of course, humans are animals, strictly speaking.)