MovieChat Forums > The Twilight Zone (1959) Discussion > Episodes you'd like to see show up durin...

Episodes you'd like to see show up during the Marathons more often?

A World of Difference
Perchance To Dream
Shadow Play
The Last Flight
The Trouble With Templeton
In His Image
I Am The Night Color Me Black


Death Ship
The New Exhibit
No Time Like the Past
Valley of the Shadow

I love "The Last Flight," but it seems to me that they do tend to play this one regularly in marathons.


I never catch "The Last Flight" myself. If they are playing it regularly, good -- it's as wonderful as almost any of the classics.

You forgot "The Parallel," a very good episode that would have been one of the best if it was shorter and had a better ending. Still, it gives you plenty to think about.

Season Four isn't great by any stretch but it certainly is not without some perfectly entertaining episodes. (Of the ones you brought up I really dug "The New Exhibit. There are parts where the actors aren't still enough but overall they do well enough. Mr. Balsam is solid as always.)


I actually considered including "The Parallel," but I wasn't sure whether or not that one was frequently omitted. (I'm amused by your phrasing here--that I "forgot" it.) Actually, I would find this one really frustrating if they didn't hear from "Colonel Robert Gaines" at the end. As I've noted in another post, I really hate it when people are telling the truth but others don't believe them. I find that really difficult to watch.
