Body count in The Company Man
This episode was brutal. 10 men get killed...with at least five by Jack Slade (John Dehner) himself (and possibly one more during the final shootout, I couldn't quite tell).
I won't deny I'm a bit confused by some of this episode. Why would the stage line hire a superintendent that just goes out and executes people regularly with no trial? Isn't taking the law into your own hands a crime? In Gunsmoke it is. I've seen it said a hundred times...Dillon tells men that about to hang someone that they'll be brought up on murder charges if they proceed.
But the first time we see Slade he's got some guy strung up for hanging, and he just rides off and leaves the body swinging, no burial here.
Then he comes to Sherman Ranch and nearly shoots it out with everyone there (multiple times).
Then he threatens to kill Samuel Clemens for disagreeing with Grandma Walton about Jonesy's coffee, while seated at the dinner table. This one is particularly questionable...wouldn't the stage line take issue with passengers being executed? Especially one as famous as Sam Clemens?
Then he takes down 4 of the bad guys with 4 quick rifle shots, when Slim and Jess say they could've easily taken all four with no shooting.
I've seen John Dehner play some really nasty, demented characters, but this one is full-on *psycho*.