First Season At Sam's Club
I was surprised to see it at Sam's last week for $20. I've watched the first five episodes and glanced at the other discs.
The good:
Only $20 for 31 episodes.
Good stories.
Robert Fuller and guest stars are great.
The Bad:
Image quality of 29 episodes range from fair to good. Almost every episode has scratches at the start, a lot of it clears up later in the episode. Like most of the TMG released westerns, night scenes are washed out in most episodes. The episodes are still very watchable, just don't expect CBS/Paramount quality.
Some episodes don't have chapter stops, weird.
Not a fan of John Smith's acting, hope he gets better.
No extras.
The Worse:
2 episodes (Glory Vault and The General Must Die) were not in the NBC vault, so they used other sources. They appear to be VHS copies with so much edge enhancement at times it looks like someone used a felt marker around the images. Bummer since Eddie Albert was so good in Glory Vault.
The ?
Episodes run 48 1/2 minutes, seems short for the time period. Episodes seem complete though.
I don't regret paying $20 for the dvd, but I would of been ticked off if I had paid full retail.