credit where credit is due
this piece is not taking place in their usual environment and is not as enjoyable as other flicks in the franchise, if this had been the first one i ever saw i probably wouldn't have tuned into another one (still seem unlikely as these have aired constantly on different television channels for decades), the grocery shop owner man is almost on the brink of being a little bit too sleazy with the ladies in this, and even though this takes place during broad daylight the picture looks too dark and as usual in these series of movies this also contains some rather brutal cuts, funny how the background music is similar to that of roger corman's 1950's cheap crime horror flicks, the opening credits to this (with the usual basic animation) goes on for a long while, there are things credited that today most likely would be rolling far down at the end credits, but this is a common sight with old movies, it seems credits has been moved from previously being at the start of the flick to moved to the end, but overall this was a bit of a drag, to be fair the movie gets a bit funnier when they return home though.
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so sorry please forgive,
apologize if i made a tiny bitsy slip,
a little moment of inappropriately,
forgot to calculate a human frailty,
from now on gonna lean so much to side,
you wont see be bothered by step back n hide,
manoeuvre through thousand voices shoutin out,
in laboratory erase years start over from day one,
a.i. polish me more perfect than saint,
rub me clean till i disappear and never heard from again.