Vastly Overrated
I've been hearing about how great this movie is for years. I finally got around to watching the "director's cut" last night. It was much ado about nothing.
I know Welles is a fabulous filmmaker and I really enjoyed Citizen Kane, but this film was a mess. The plot was confusing, the character's motivations and behaviors made no sense, and several of the characters were so one-dimensional I imagined they were the inspiration for Hayden Christensen to start acting.
I adore Charleton Heston, but his portrayal of a Mexican lawman was so ridiculous (and I am not talking about his lack of an accent), it ruined the movie for me. The part that really bothered me was him leaving his new bride all alone in a strange town while he chased leads on a case that wasn't even his case to solve. Likewise, an American lawman like Welles' character, even if he were honest, would not have allowed a Mexican officer anywhere near his case. And since Quinlan was corrupt, it made even less sense. The bombing case that drives the plot is underdeveloped and turns out to basically be a mcguffin.
Janet Leigh's Susan was almost unbearably stupid to the point of absurdity. No wonder she later dies in a shower at the hands of Norman Bates (Ha!). She almost willingly goes off with strange men who accost her on the street. Then allows herself to be dumped in a seedy motel in the middle of nowhere. She has to be the origin of the term "trophy wife".
Despite its flaws, some of the acting is outstanding. Orson Welles' creepy Quinlan is a villain worthy of Hollywood history. Welles fleshed out the character very well so you can almost see how he was corrupted over time by the death of his wife and the rigors of his drinking and smoking. Joseph Calleia's Menzies had an interesting arc as a loyal follower of Quinlan who begins to realize he has been backing the wrong horse. Mort Mills' portrayal of ADA Al Schwartz was a highlight for me as he provided balance between the two imposing forces of Quinlan and Vargas.
The locales were amazing. I understand Welles insisted on filming in an actual town rather than on sets. It shows as the buildings and streets give the movie a bit of character and depth that sets cannot.
My memory foam pillow says it can't remember my face. I can tell its lying.