MovieChat Forums > South Pacific (1958) Discussion > 'I'm as corny as Kansas in August...'

'I'm as corny as Kansas in August...'

High as a flag on the Fourth of July. If you'll excuse the expression I use, I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love with a wonderful guy!

Describes exactly the way I feel right now =] I love when movies do that.

Frogger, Rapper, Snowy, Newsiefreak, Hatterholic
"And we talk, too!"


Simple, direct, and heartfelt lyric; a beautiful waltz that doesn't sound like a waltz. In short, typical of the fantastic R & H.


Reba did a great rendition of that in "South Pacific in Concert" where the cast is on stage with the orchestra, no sets, some dialogue, and all the songs with some choreography in some of the songs.She starred opposite of Alec Baldwin.


Yup. Amazed that that sequence was directed so statically. Mitzi should have been moving amongst the other nurses declaring her love and how hard would it have been to include a FLAG shot on a MILITARY BASE to match the lyrics?


I'd like them to do the film again this time done properly not like they were in a big hurry to get it in the can or something. They knew they were sitting on a big hit but that's no excuse for bad direction.

I intend to live forever. So far so good.

