Looks like a dead guy won the Kentucky Derby.
Flat, drab passion meanders across the screen.
Just beheading rats down here.
The film broke and it was horrible!
Then a lion jumped out and shot her...at least that’s what Eric said.
She was coming down this path here...it started to rain very hard...and she got dead.
Oh, it’s my marinated rearview mirror.
Shocking horror arrives in style in your ‘53 Mercedes.
Oh, Eric, I’m sorry...I got snot on your bathrobe.
Yes, you were sick once, but you were cured...maple cured and smoked.
C’mon, I want you to unclog the toilet.
Okay, now my dead wife will scream...listen to the difference.
Mickey gave me an ear...I wondered if you knew whose it was.
Ah, I see you got a new stain on your jacket.
Uh, I gotta go stare at things in my shed.
You know what I’d like to do, Mickey? Delouse you.
Ah, her favorite symbol...a pyramid balanced on oranges.
I had a victim in the oven!
The movie that dares to graphically depict sometimes seeing peacocks, and sometimes NOT seeing peacocks!
This movie should really be called Screaming SEMICOLON Skull.
Well...might as well start making that smut movie I’ve been talking about.
I threw a body part up on the roof. Can you help me?
Something’s staying crunchy, even in milk.
Can we help you, Movie Lady? Do you need a push or something?
Ah...good thing she’s able to see that with her remote camera attached to the flexible hose.
If that turns out to be her husband, I’m just gonna return the unused portion of this movie.
Remember, folks, if you die of boredom, you do NOT get a free coffin...sorry.
Y’know, all this time, we could’ve been watching an apple brown.
That skull probably laid eggs already, so that doesn’t do any good.
Ah, why did my husband and I agree to sleep in different movies?
So, they put a tiny bit of movie in a box and then just filled the rest with a bunch of foam peanuts.
She had one nostril enlarged for the role.
The skull has been perfectly civil through all of this, I gotta say.
Eric...do you like mayonnaise?
Now I’ll enter your dimension.
You’re a lifesaver...I can’t believe I ran out of holy water!
Now, Jenny, there’s no need for that. There’s other skulls you can play with.
You know, the Gospel speaks of losers like you.
I found a screaming hipbone, if that helps.
I think I’ll slip down to Cambodia for a moment.
Havin’ his own three-legged race.
Ah, so he checks Mickey’s villa in the south of France.
Why did you call me Donna?
Mickey’s trying to lead them away from his eggs.
So I’m going pole-vaulting is what I’m saying.
We’ll have to advance to my “burning small animals” therapy.
Ah, I’d scare Mickey with it, but he’s got a pile of them under his bed already.
I ain’t sharin’ this with no one!
Her parents drowned in a tub full of eggs.
When Jenni was put away in that hospital, I’d steal her Jell-O.
There’s the rock I used to crush the skull of my FIRST wife.
I’m gonna see if Mickey’d eat this for a quarter.
This movie’s original title was “Looking for Mickey.”
If Ed Wood had directed “Rules of the Game.”
We’ve had a pretty good marriage...it’s been three days and I haven’t killed her yet.
I’d like to say goodbye...and I’d like to say “celery.”
Well, apparently he killed a crossdressing beekeeper, as well.
Ah, their furniture still hasn’t arrived...that’s a subplot that’s just gone NOWHERE.
Oh, she’s playing her Yoko Ono records again!
So this movie is kind of a combination of Tell-Tale Heart, Blithe Spirit and...well, a piece of lint, I guess.
It’s the “Show Us Your Live Wife and Win a Million Dollars” people.
It’s like a scary Benny Hill sketch.
He’s being compelled to hold a skull against his neck!
I should’ve married that nice Mr. von Bülow.
More skulls arrive in a cab.
Let the length of my face comfort you.
Should we call the cops? Well, we didn’t last time and it seemed to work out.