MovieChat Forums > The Screaming Skull (1959) Discussion > They should have called it 'The Snoring ...

They should have called it 'The Snoring Skull'

Cause this film is so Booorrrinnggg it put me to sleep. zZzZz.


They should've called it "The Screaming" -- semi-colon -- "Skull."



The first time, I loved the cool movie poster and laughed at the "free burial" gimmick. Also, loved the Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Gull Wing, but sometime after that ZZZZzzzzzzz...

To be fair, I saw it again and it was a psychological thriller. Only the *thriller* part was missing. Maybe a 5-yr. old in the 50s would have enjoyed it as someone else mentioned. We are too jaded today and need more to get us going.


I was 9 old kid in the 50's and it wasn't was the most frightening movie for any kid to watch!
S H I T........took 30 years to get over the movie?
Put a five year old child in a dark theater in 2007 with it playing on big screen and I'll bet you that kid will be screwed upped for the next 40 yrs.
In the neighborhood I had growned upped in....there was a backyard I could've sworn it was the place they shot the Skull.................


I think it would have been a very bad idea to call this movie "The Snoring Skull" because that would've totally gone against the kind of image they were trying to convey to potential viewers.


To the dimwits on this board,
Let me explain too you, once again, the core of the, " skull".
TSS is not a slasher flick, it never has been and never will be.
TSS is a ghost story!! Do you get that? A ghost story. A very scary ghost story with a psychological subplot mixed into it. It does not have any gore or blood scenes, until the very end. Again, It's a ghost story!!
People today, ( Circa 2000's ) cannot judge this film by movie standard values, that people today in modern 21 st century have about horror films!!!
Due you understand. This film is about a vengeance pay back to an evil doer by the victim's ghost!!
There are no blood and guts to spill on the screen for all of you gorehounds that love to denigrate this film. This film is about atmosphere and suspense, and pure terror in every psychological aspect of it. Qualities that are
(excuse the pun), horribly lacking in horror films today. So stop complaining about TSS. TSS will stand the test of time as a horror film. Can you say the same about slasher flicks?

Anthony Cashmere


Watch "The Changeling" sometime with George C. Scott if you want a good, suspenseful ghost story. No blood, no gore, one minor explosion, lots of atmosphere and/or creepiness.
The Screaming Skull is a movie about a plastic skull and 80+ minutes of padding. As for standing the test of time, if it wasn't for MST3K, the amount of people who would have even heard of this movie would be limited to a few old men from Astoria, Queens who smell like mothballs and shop at Aldi.


Obviously, you don't get it!!! I'm not interested in the Changeling. If I were I would be on it's board. I am only interested in THE SCREAMING SKULL.
Let me redirect you to my previous post about critics of the Screaming Skull.
This movie is so much more than a plastic skull and 80 minutes of padding as you put it. It's a real shame your pea sized brain and limited capacity for average intelligience can't understand the concept about TSS. Of course, with your limited cognitive and reasoning skills, I am not suprised you don't get it. Is life hard for you with your limited mental functionings?



Anthony, all I can say is that I hope you are a troll, and not truly serious about loving/worshiping this unintentional laugh fest. Holy Batmobile!


It's obvioous you have the intelligience of a pigeon, you bird brain embicile!!!
I suggest you read my post on the CRITICS OF THE SCREAMING SKULL!!!
I wrote it for people just like you, pathetic, losers who wouldn't understand the word BOO!! if a ghost said it too you in front of your ugly face, let alone
comprenhending TSS!
And that is Mr. Troll too you, jerk!!







I weigh 220 lbs!!



And your not?

