It's Not Unusual

...for people to have fixations on certain movies which are not necessarily appreciated by other genre fans.

Obviously, AnthonyCashmere is one of them. And he is crazy about TSS.

I have absolutely no problem with this. After all, my forever favorite horror film is "Dungeon of Harrow", for God's sake.

And I realize just how bad that thing is. But I love it just the same.

I think some of the folks who frequent this board need to cut Tony some slack.



Thanks for the support!! I really appreciate it!! I cant really put into words what TSS means to me, it is so special to me!!! I relate to this film on so many levels!!! I have had several paranormal experiences, and one is very reminescent of TSS, which was very personal and intense for me. That is why I identify with TSS, on such a personal level. My ghost experience, was very similar to Jenni Whitlock's. I know how she felt walking down that staircase to answer that knocking door!!!

Anthony Cashmere


Well, that explains a lot, Tony. I'm a wee bit jealous that you have had a spook experience, that only goes to enhance the experience of watching a ghost story like TSS. :0)



Yes.. you nailed it right on th head!! My spook experience was with a ghost in broad daylight at a park in aparking lot surronded by woods! I was so dense at the time, I thought it was a bunch of teenage punks playing a prank on me!! LOL!! This ghost kept calling out for help, directly in front of a me, from the woods, and I didnt realize it was a ghost until the last five minutes of the occurrence, and when I realized it, i became really afraid!! Of course, no one was around at the time. I never had a ghost verbalize too me before, and that is why I was so confused!! Anyway, words alone cannot describe my horror!! I was in shock that this was happening to me. And yet, it was simply amazing at the same time!! That ghost voice was so dead!! I wish you could have heard that haunting wailing cry for help. It said, " HELP ME, IM HERE!!" "HELP ME, IM HERE!! IM OVER HERE!! Truly scary stuff, man!! It was an absolutley incredible incident in my life. That voice haunts my mind, all the time!!
The haunting lasted for twenty minutes. I later, found out the police discovered a suicide victim in the woods, where the voice was calling out for help!! That ghost wanted me to go in the woods and find it's body!! YIKES!!


PS: True ghost story!!
Short version!!



Thanks again for having the intelligience and understanding as too why I relate so intensely with TSS!! The ghostly experience I endured is very similiar to the ghostly experience that Jenni Whitlock had in TSS. Instead of being in a haunted house with a ghost knocking at the front door, I was outside with a ghost calling me from the woods surronding a large outdoor parking lot in the middle of a city park!! That is one of the reasons why I relate so well on one of the many levels with TSS!! The other being I lived in a haunted mansion for years where ghostly knockings among other hauntings was a common themed experience for me in that mansion!! TSS is the only film I feel this strongly and intensely connected too in my life. No other horror movie does it for me!!
Just THE SCREAMING SKULL!! It was also the first horror film I viewed as a child!!! Terrfying for a six year old to see that ghost popping out at you in that greenhouse!! and then giving chase through the gardens!! (SCREAMS)!!!



Hey, Anthony, that is an amazing story. It's no wonder that TSS strikes a chord with you. I have no trouble believing your experience, because I have had a ghostly experience myself as a youngster. I believe in ghosts for sure, and the less I see of them the better.

Well, your experiences can only serve to enhance your viewing experience, so your obsession is understandable.

Don't let the bastards grind ya down!



I was 36 yrs old when that ghostly experience occurred to me!! LOL!!! Oh what I would have done differently, if only I realized at the beginning of the incident what was happening!! GRIN!!
Many ghostly experiences later, I try not to let anyone, mortal or otherwise, wear me down!!LOL!!


reply 0p1qzvz5r

Hey, Anthony, is this your study or den, Bud?



I wish!! It's not mine...but obviously somebody is a fan of TSS!!!



By the way, I'm not fixated on TSS, I AM OBSESSED WITH TSS!!!!

It isn't fair, using the living, to bring back the dead!!!-THE SCREAMING SKULL

