Alcohol and kerosene poisoning is not funny
Most of the film is shown in a light-hearted but semi-believable way. But kerosene is fatal if ingested, and so is that amount of liquor. The film stopped being funny at that point.
Most of the film is shown in a light-hearted but semi-believable way. But kerosene is fatal if ingested, and so is that amount of liquor. The film stopped being funny at that point.
Are you serious?
sharePfft, nothing is fatal for Will Stockdale.
Edit: Also, to be fair, the majority of comedies do things that would kill/severly injure a normal human. Case in point, the Three Stooges. Or, for a more modern example, the three guys getting beaten mercilessly with a crowbar in The Hangover.
And I won't even begin to list the "fatal" injuries folks suffer in action films, then walk away from without a scratch.
Let a little insanity into your life.
You would probably ban slipping on banana peels.