MovieChat Forums > Murder by Contract (1958) Discussion > The 'party girl' (Kathie Browne) -- huh?

The 'party girl' (Kathie Browne) -- huh?

I'm still having trouble figuring out why this character appeared in the film. Why was she sent to Claude's room? The scene with her seemed out of left field to me and I thought the film more or less derailed after it.


I believe Claude hired her to keep him company for the evening...if you catch my drift.

The fact that it is yet another woman (though not quite a femme fatale like Billie) confounding his mission seems to be significant, as Claude has a lot of unresolved issues with dames.
Suddenly, thud! My mind tottered like a jinkyboard in a windstorm...


Kathie Browne was great in this film and should have been nominated for her brief appearance. Wonderful!


Her appearance doesn't make sense along with a lot of other things thrown our way during this 25 minute dreary boring film. I don't care what makes this guy tick, obviously he's nutty so what more is there we need to find out. Why she comes to his room after he referes to women in general as pigs is inconsistant but they needed to fill some time along with all the other unnecessary bits and pieces of this pseudo-intelligent second feature nonsense. It is not wonder it's overlooked.


The plot required that Claude be told that the hit had been unsuccessful. He shot the wrong person. Without that knowledge he would have taken the train home with the job not done. So the escort was provided as a means of telling him (and us) that he still had work to do.


I now understand why this character was in this movie, but it seems a big stretch for her to have information about Claude killing the wrong woman.


YOu got it 100%
