Funny mistake in Piedras Blancas

Not a bad movie for this type of film, but I laugh hard during the scene where the girl asks the guys if they want coffee and then comes back in about 12 seconds with a tray of four or five full cups all ready.


Not really a mistake, but I liked it when the monster got hit with the lantern and flexed his arms in rage like "The Hulk". I agree. It's a decent monster flick.


Yes i watched it last night for the first time in 30 years and noticed that LOL


This isn't a mistake. She's shown pouring the coffee from a large pot from the coffeemaker in the restaurant where she works. So the coffee was already made when the men asked for it.


I believe the OP was referring to the scene in the lighthouse after her injured father was brought back from his fall.


Still not a "mistake."
