Dialogue which didn't make the final cut ...
1. "OK, I'll bring you your coffee, bacon & eggs just as soon as finish this autopsy..."
2. "Grab some grenades will ya ?"
"Sure, where are they ?"
"On top of all those unsecured boxes over there - the crate that's sitting
kitty corner, about to fall ..."
3. "Before we blast off, I have just one word for you: "Plastics" !
4. "Cathode ray tubes ... never heard of 'em, what are they ?"
5. "So I decided after one bad marriage, I should to go back to school - I wanted to become a Doctor/waitress ... ya know, kinda 'diversify', not limit my options ..."
6. "... or a race that was reduced to violence & savagery ... Quick, get the grenades, rifles - pistols too ... and all the ammo you can get your hands on !
We'll blow this thing to kingdom come !!"
I got more but want to leave some for others (hopefully). That they had zero cameras/monitors so as to be able to inspect different compartments from an isolated position, I dunno what to say... This movie was made at a time when the cathode ray tube was the bomb no less. Also, all containers used to store fluids were made of glass or metal - I didn't see a single plastic container. Figured I'd make 3 and 4 clear just in case ...