MovieChat Forums > Hell Drivers (1957) Discussion > What the Hell was Red's first name?

What the Hell was Red's first name?

When you see his name on the pay-sheet, doesn't it show it as "G. Redmond"? Some sources claim it was a C, but I'm sure it was G.

Could it have been Gaylord? This was a surprisingly popular name in the past. There was a famous theatre actor who went by that moniker. Like Johnny Cash's Boy named Sue,wouldn't Gaylord have made you a really angry young man? Perhaps not, in those days..... Mind you, wasn't John Wayne's real name Marian? What's in a name anyhow. Any suggestions?


assuming it was a C, then Cuthbert, charles, clarence,cyril or cecil all sound amusing in this context.


No, I watched the film again yesterday. when lucy is typing up the driver's runs for the day it is quite clearly G. redman.


I like to think its Gerald, but everyone called him Gerry

(except they dont, they call him red, but never mind that :D)


I can think of several first names that I'd like to call Red, none of them complementary.



Could it have ben "Cigarette" Redmond? Remember the fight between Red and Tom? That burnt-down fag-end didn't budge from the corner of Red's mouth, despite the frightening intensity of the fisticuffs. He was one tough guy. This was one corny film.


I'd have bet money on it being Dick.
Anyone see some James Caan in the young McGoohan?

What I had in mind was boxing the compass.




Being an Irish character, Redmond is a suitable surname.

Irish Christian names beginning with G would be Gerald, Geroid (Irish for Gerald - pron. Ge-road) and Gabriel. Some Gabriels shorten their names to Gaye.

Addendum - Just saw the film again. The name is definitely Redman, which just isn't an Irish surname at all.


If he is Irish, and his initial is G, then he is possibly named after St Gerard Majella.


Gay didn't mean Gay back in the late 50s so he would not been bothered in the slightest.


Some sources, including IMDB itself claim it's a C. I submitted a correction as it is obviously G.
