So what happened with the brakes on the truck red was driving at the end? yes it was no.13 rebadged as no.3, but this is never explained. as red is frantically pumping the brake, it sounds like he exclaims "tub!" is this because his mate has tampered with it, thinking it was Tom's truck? or am I being really dense?
Just before Tom meets Lucy in the garage, he sees Tub apparently working on his truck. After Tub leaves Tom looks under his own truck and finds a bolt which we can assume came from Tub tampering with Tom's brakes (presumably at Red's instruction, so Tom would crash.) Tom is distracted when Lucy arrives so he doesn't check where the bolt has come from. Gino then swaps his and Tom's plates around (13 and 3) before he is run off the road while driving with Tom's number plate. Tom then takes Red's truck instead of his own, so in the quarry at the end Tom is in Red's truck (1), and Red is in what he thinks is Gino's truck (3), but is actually Tom's (13) with Gino's number on it. So Red ends up mistakenly driving the truck which Tub has sabotaged but doesn't realise it until the brakes fail and he sees the number 13 ignition key. Clear as mud, eh?
Thanks for that explanation! I forgot about the bolt under the truck and Tub in the garage. And I didn't understand what Red said when he looked at the #13 key "tub!". I had just assumed it was a reappearance of the original bad brakes from Tom's audition drive.
I live in Hampshire. Not long after the film was released, A local haulage firm had a spate of accidents with its badly maintained trucks. Bald tyres, a headlight out, dodgy steering, and as for the brakes, one of the trucks was only able to stop at the bottom of a hill in Southampton by embedding itself into the back of a bus!