Andre was selfish *spoilers*
I finally got around to watching this classic, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Definitely one of the best sci-fi horrors of the decade.
With that said, did anyone else see Andre's decision to destroy his work as perhaps a bit selfish, and ill planned? He blatantly disregarded his wife. By having her assist him in suicide, he never offered her a legitimate explanation to tell the police so it was inevitable that she'd end up in the bind that she does. She was exonerated at the end once the inspector and Francois saw the fly in the web, but it was merely a fluke and Andre never could've anticipated that. I realize he was going insane, but he had his wits about him enough to be able to formulate a plot to destroy himself and any evidence of the experiment and technology, yet completely overlooked how his wife would deal with the whole situation afterwards.