MovieChat Forums > The Fly (1958) Discussion > PLOT HOLE??? SPOILERS


Didn't they see the weird hand and head when they raised the press? Or even had an autopsy??

Enrique Sanchez


[deleted] may be right...THANKS for responding!

Enrique Sanchez



Hehe, Khan...of course neither of us know what a Human Fly head looks like when squeezed under a press and if it even resembles a human head. But aren't we just too s"ophisticated" these days? :)

Enrique Sanchez



Hehe...(OK not to belabor this point...but) Whoever did the medical examining after the death must have noticed that! :) OK never mind hehehe

Enrique Sanchez


I know! Flies don't even have skulls-- you'd think there would be a lot of crushed bone if the accident had happened to someone fully human. Biggest plot hole ever!


GOOD POINT! We need Quincy, ME at the scene now!

Enrique Sanchez


Remember when this was made ---no DNA or the stuff they have today 50 years ago -- a long time ago.


Even so, I guess they weren't going to cut it up to find out what it was? Come was a totally weird smushed up thing! Not even human looking... hehe

Enrique Sanchez


Was yours a seriooooous question?

Enrique Sanchez



There wouldn't be much left to identify. That was the idea of using the press rather than just shooting him or something.


There wouldn't be much left to identify. That was the idea of using the press rather than just shooting him or something.

Exactly this. This was why they belabored the point about the press-to-table clearance being set to zero.


You would think even a squashed fly head would still be identifiable. It would certainly bug the medical examiner.

TAG LINE: True genius is a beautiful thing, but ignorance is ugly to the bone.


Often in such gory murders where the person is unrecognizable save for like the scar on the leg, itss very obvious that he was killed by the press.

Depending on the story she would have given them, admit or not admit to the crime what they might have done was analyze a blood sample to see if maybe a narcotic that may have rendered him helpless and befuddled and allowed her to easily manipulate him to come to the factory and the press and then maybe knock him out in a way that he would fall on the press as he would have been pretty heavy for her to prop up on her own.


Could be... hmm

Enrique Sanchez


The press was set to zero for the purposes of crushing an object to non existence although in reality no press could do that.


Wouldn't there be hair left? the fly head was very hairy!!!


Actually, a far bigger plot hole is that in exchanging heads with a fly, the scientist would have traded a brain with about 86 billion neurons, for one with only about 135,000. The scientist's head was gone, replaced with a fly head, equipped with a fly brain. He would not have been capable of any of the things we see him do in the movie, like trying to conceal from his wife what had happened to him, burning his notes, and killing himself in despair when he realizes there's no hope of reversing what's happened to him. Even assuming the clumsily produced hybrid organism could have survived for more than a few seconds (unlikely), he simply wouldn't have had the human-level intelligence he continued to display after the incident.


I would try to reason that inconsistency with how inconsistent the actual DNA exchange was to begin with. A fly hand and a fly head. No fly leg or foot etc. So then it would be ok to assume that the brain of each of them didn't fully exchange. Maybe they both had a partial brain exchange. That's why Andre-fly had a hard time doing some things but was able to do other things and that's why Fly-Andre was able to speak. They both had parts of their own brains and parts of the other's brain all mixed together. And eventually their DNA probably would've fully taken over each other had they'd been around long enough for it to have happened. Just a way to justify the inconsistencies.


More than one viewer has raised this valid question.
