PLEASE...just ADMIT it was terrible scripting! Just DO IT.
Harker walking away from Dracula and letting him wake up is a filthy great hole no amount of HD restoration can repair.
And you all know it. But won;t say it.
Even on the blu ray comm track they don't blame Hammer's script...oh no, they blame.......JONATHAN HARKER! They blame a fictional character as if he had sentient thought and actions.
"This is where Jonathan does something foolish".
NO...He's not a real person! This is where HAMMER does something foolish.
It's called *beep* scripting.
But everyone's too much of a slavish fanboy and movie snob to admit it.
It's simply awful writing.
They stupidly made Harker a vampire hunter, they then found the film was going to end 10 minutes after it started by having him stand over a helpless Dracula with a stake, so had him.....walk away!
They had him IGNORE the VERY REASON he was even there.
So it was crap writing (and messing with Stoker's perfectly plotted set-up) but they could have salvaged it by simply having the Bride wake up and stop him OR having Dracula sense he was there, wake up and stop him.
ANYTHING other than have him....walk away!