what annoyed me

I liked the movie fine. But the whole guy with the radio was lame IN MY OPINION. Was it meant to be funny? Did audiences in 1958 think a guy playing rock n roll on a man hunt was funny? I mean if you are on a man hunt its probably a bad idea to play loud music and let them know you are coming... I don't know if its a generational/time difference thing but I do not see how it had any point to the movie. If it was for comic relief, it is the only element that stuck out of the movie as outdated. Otherwise I enjoyed it. What do you think?


From comments on other boards, I get the impression that the "humor" of the situation was in the fact the guy with the radio was Alfalfa from Little Rascals. It probably played better to a contemporary audience that might actually have recognized him.

I would agree that it added nothing to the film.
